Tuesday, 28 February 2017

you wanted to see me

The chatty the catty, the boring, adoring,
The cold-and-official, and the heart's outpouring,
The clever, stupid, short and long,
The typed and the printed and the spelt all wrong. 

A vocal warm up too sweet not to share.  I try to do a warm up every morning or when I'm bored driving or catch myself out clenching my jaw. #anxietygirl I think it mostly weirds my sister out when she heres random loud noises on her visits home. Has it improved my speech or conceited my with my voice, I don't really know, but I'm audition ready and I don't clench my jaw as much.   

Xx Kristy 

Thursday, 16 February 2017

single AF

Valentines Day has been and gone and the only love messages I sent and received were from my best friends and frankly I couldn't be happier. I slight difference from a couple years back where I was suffering of broken heart syndrome from my long term bf/step baby daddy.

If I was in London I would have gone to Sketch and assaulted my Instagram account with #allpinkeverything snaps. Intsead I'm on the farm and the day coincided with a hair appointment and my net-a-poter delivery, because I can celebrate my love for myself any day #singlelife

Since coming home people have been very vocal about their concerns that I'm all alo

ne in this big bad world and its time for me to find a partner in crime. I will, just not here or not now. I finally have career direction and a 5 year plan, I'm not going to put all that on hold for someone who I just met because you think we might have something in common. This isn't my first rodeo buddy.

I love my single life, my silly stories and the freedom and self-respect that goes with it. Studies have proven that single people live happier more for filling lives and more meaningful relationships with friends and families. Perhaps they are fake stories and because I'm single thats what Facebook will show me. But I believe it, or at least it's true to what I know and have experienced.

Turns out I've learnt what I want and need in a partner after loosing everything and myself. The short romances that I have encountered, have been beautiful and when the warning signs were flagged there was no point continuing and wasting our time. Plus I see through the BS and this idealistic crap that I should drop everything because I'm a female, FT I want a career and a life that I'm proud of too.

When I'm ready and the time is right I will settle. I loved being a step mom and love helping out with my niece and look forward to having children of my own. But I ain't doing that with someone who believes I should travel half way around the world to clean up his mess so he can get his bond back that I paid for FFS. Call me a feminist but I'm waiting for someone who treats me with R.E.S.P.E.C.T and as an equal not someone who threatens to deport me. #justsaying

At the end of the day my happiness begins and ends with me.

Right now I'm happy with my life and the fabulous people that are apart of it. Hopefully next Valentines I'll be at Sketch with a lover or my fabulous #bffs who knows!

be happy & be you
